National Business Furniture


National Business Furniture was founded in 1975 with the mission to improve every workplace. From primary education to corporate learning, we offer a huge selection of educational furniture in a wide range of categories. We put quality furniture at the forefront of our business while providing unparalleled service both during and after the sale. Our team of furniture experts are available to help you find the furniture that will fit your space and your budget. Plus, we have hundreds of products that ship today, all covered by our exclusive Lifetime Guarantee.


Contract Information

Cooperative NameAEPA
Contract NameAEPA Furniture
Contract NumberNational Business Furn AEPA IFB #022-A
Lead AgencyESU Coordinating Council
Contract Term01/14/2018 - 02/28/2025
CategoriesAEPA Vendor
Personal Protective Equipment

Supplier Information

HomepageNational Business Furniture webpage
Address770 S. 70th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53214-3109
ClassificationsNo Minimum Order

Pricing and How to Order

Please call 800-558-1010 or visit us at Please Reference AEPA when placing an order or requesting information.


Reference: "ESUCC/AEPA #022-A" on all PO's & Quotes requests


Contracted through a solicitated agreement process.