

Adobe Licenses, Microsoft Licenses Select Plus or EES, Symantec Licenses, Sophos Anti-Virus Software, Filemaker Pro and much more!

Under the Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions agreement, an educational institution (like school boards or districts) can standardize their faculty and staff (FTE count), and .rent. access to Microsoft products (this is non-perpetual agreement, so a live agreement is required for Microsoft product usage), at low pricepoints. When an organization standardizes on at least one component item for their FTE, they can also buy additional products, like Windows server under the EES pricing model.

Contract Information

Cooperative NameESUCC
Contract NameSoftware
Contract NumberSoftchoice Corp ESUCC Coop SB 2021-2024
Lead AgencyESU Coordinating Council
Contract Term08/01/2016 - 07/31/2027

Supplier Information

HomepageSoftchoice - Software Reseller
Phone1 800-268-7638
AddressSoftchoice Corporation, 16609 Collections Center Drive, Chicago, IL 60693

Pricing and How to Order

Contact vendor for pricing and ordering instructions


Contracted through a negotiated agreement process.