TinyEYE Technologies Corporation


TinyEYE is the world’s first and leading provider in online speech therapy, occupational therapy and mental health services to students in schools around the world!  Our priority is to create incredible learning experiences for students, so that they achieve their goals and thrive in their lives. When you partner with TinyEYE for therapy services, you have an entire company advocating for your experience. We lead with our hearts, and our purpose is to Grow Smiles, Mend Spirits, and Engage Children in their Lives. We promise to deliver exceptional value to you, and we hold ourselves accountable for results.

  1. SLP video demo (6 min)
  2. Partnership Dashboard (3 min)
  3. Addressing Parent Concerns Around Teletherapy
  4. Testimonial from a parent

Contract Information

Cooperative NameAEPA
Contract NameHealth & Wellness
Contract NumberAEPA 022-B Health & Wellness
Lead AgencyESU Coordinating Council
Contract Term02/08/2022 - 02/28/2025
CategoriesAEPA Vendor
Health and Wellness

Supplier Information

Address1621 Central Avenue
Cheyenne WY 82001

Pricing and How to Order

Contact vendor for pricing and ordering instructions