World Savvy



Leader in Education Innovation for Over 20 Year

Since 2002, World Savvy has been a trusted partner for educators and community leaders committed to reimagining our education system to ensure that all students can succeed in our global economy and be active and engaged citizens in their communities, locally and globally.


  1. Leadership Cohort Outcomes:
    • A concrete action plan tailored to address your current challenges and community’s needs
    • Critical skills for engaging in difficult conversations and building a solid foundation for lasting change
    • Access to exclusive World Savvy frameworks and resources, including Leadership and Educator frameworks
    • A network of peers for collaboration, guidance, accountability, and lasting relationships
    • Strategic design thinking to improve efficiency and prioritize action items
  2. Profile of a Learner outcomes:
    • Districts will have a graduate profile that will help to lead the mission and vision of your school community.
  3. Changemaker Hub outcomes:
    • Authentic opportunity for all participants to practice and develop global competence
    • Schools and districts gain insight into what youth want and need in their education experience
  4. Comprehensive School Partnerships outcomes:
    • Improved capacity for personalized, student-centered learning
    • Enhanced connections across identities and cultures
    • Strengthened emphasis on collaboration and interconnectedness
    • Increased opportunities for research, problem-solving, and action-focused learning
    • Elevated reflective practice and a growth mindset in educators and students

Contract Information

Cooperative NameESUCC
Contract NameWorld Savvy
Contract NumberWorld Savvy SB 2024-2027
Lead AgencyESU Coordinating Council
Contract Term03/08/2024 - 03/07/2027
CategoriesProfessional Development/Learning

Supplier Information
Address2429 Nicollet Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55404


Contracted through a negotiated agreement process.