ESU Coordinating Council (ESUCC)

Nebraska’s ESU Coordinating Council (ESUCC) is a dynamic organization that works closely with each of Nebraska’s seventeen educational service units (ESU). The ESUCC board is made up of an administrator from each unit. Together, the ESUCC provides critical, cost-effective services to Nebraska students, teachers, school leaders and school districts.

The ESUCC does this in a variety of ways. First, it employs professionals that address statewide projects such as Cooperative Purchasing, PowerSchool Student Information Management and Support, Instructional Materials, Digital Education Courses, Digital Education Training, Grant Management, and an Online Special Education Student Software (SRS). Additionally, the ESUCC leverages the expertise of regional ESU staff members to ensure internet access, communications, network security, the infusion of the latest technology into the curriculum, assessment expertise, special education training, leadership and much more. Importantly, the ESUCC also works closely with the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) to develop comprehensive plans, leveraging its resources to address challenges confronting Nebraska schools. Learn more about the Nebraska Educational Service Units on the Annual Reports Page.

ESU Coordinating Council Administrators

Bill Heimann ESU 1

Dr. Bill Heimann

Educational Service Unit #1

Serving counties: Cedar, Dakota, Dixon, Knox, Thurston, Wayne

(402) 287-2061

Ted DeTurk ESU 2

Dr. Ted DeTurk

Educational Service Unit #2

Serving counties: Burt, Cuming, Dodge, and Saunders

(402) 721-7710

Dan Schnoes ESU 3

Dr. Dan Schnoes

Educational Service Unit #3

Serving counties: Cass, Douglas, Sarpy, Washington

(402) 597-4800

Gregg Robke ESU 4

Gregg Robke

Educational Service Unit #4

Serving counties: Otoe, Pawnee, Johnson, Nemaha, Richardson

(402) 274-4354

Brenda McNiff ESU 5

Dr. Brenda McNiff

Educational Service Unit #5

Serving counties: Gage, Jefferson and Thayer

(402) 223-5277

Brian Maschmann ESU 6

Dr. Brian Maschmann

Educational Service Unit #6

Serving counties: Fillmore, Lancaster, Saline, Seward, York

(402) 761-3341

Kris Elmshauser ESU 7 Administrator

Kris Elmshaeuser

Educational Service Unit #7

Serving counties: Boone, Butler, Colfax, Merrick, Nance, Platte, Polk

(402) 564-5753

Cory Dahl ESU 8

Corey Dahl

Educational Service Unit #8

Serving counties: Antelope, Boyd, Holt, Madison, Pierce, Stanton, Wheeler

(402) 887-5041

Drew Harris ESU 9

Drew Harris

Educational Service Unit #9

Serving counties: Adams, Clay, Hamilton, Knuckolls, Webster

(402) 463-5611

Melissa Wheelock ESU 10

Dr. Melissa Wheelock

Educational Service Unit #10

Serving counties: Blaine, Boone, Buffalo, Custer, Dawson, Garfield, Greely, Hall, Howard, Loup, Sherman, Valley

(308) 237-5927

John_Poppert ESU 11

John Poppert

Educational Service Unit #11

Serving counties: Franklin, Furnas, Gosper, Harlan, Kearney, Phelps

(308) 995-6585

Laura Barrett ESU 13

Dr. Laura Barrett

Educational Service Unit #13

Serving counties: Banner, Box Butte, Cheyene, Dawes, Deuel, Garden, Kimbell, Morrill, Scottsbluff, Sheridan

(308) 635-3696

Phillip Picquet ESU 15

Phillip Picquet

Educational Service Unit #15

Serving counties: Chase, Dundy, Frontier, Hayes, Hitchcock, Red Willow

(308) 334-5160

James McGown - ESU 16

James McGown

Educational Service Unit #16

Serving counties: Arthur, Grant, Hooker, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson, Perkins, Thomas

(308) 284-8481

Geraldine Erickson ESU 17

Geraldine Erickson

Educational Service Unit #17

Serving counties: Brown, Cherry, Keya Paha, Rock

(402) 387-1420

Takako Olson ESU 18

Dr. Takako Olson

Educational Service Unit #18

Serving: Lincoln Public Schools

(402) 436-1810

Kanyon Chism ESU 19

Dr. Kanyon Chism

Educational Service Unit #19

Serving: Omaha Public Schools

Phone: (531) 299-9849

Larianne Polk_CEO ESUCC

Dr. Larianne Polk

ESU Coordinating Council

Chief Executive Officer

(402) 597-4915

Nebraska Educational Service Units Interactive Map

Select the area on the map to link to the ESU’s web page.

Nebraska ESUs

211 10th St
Wakefield, NE  68784
Phone: (402) 287-2061
Fax: (402) 287-2065
Bill Heimann, Administrator

2320 N Colorado, PO Box 649
Fremont, NE 68026
Phone: (402) 721-7710
Fax: (402) 721-7712
Ted DeTurk, Administrator

6949 S 110th St
Omaha, NE 68128
Phone: (402) 597-4800
Fax: (402) 597-4808
Dan Schnoes, Administrator

2301 Dahlke Ave.
PO Box 310
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-4354
Fax: (402) 274-4356
Gregg Robke, Administrator

900 West Court
Beatrice, NE 68310
Phone: (402) 223-5277
Fax: (402) 223-5279
Brenda McNiff, Administrator

210 5th St
Milford, NE 68405
Phone: (402) 761-3341
Fax: (402) 761-3279
Brian Maschmann, Administrator

2657 44th Ave
Columbus, NE 68601
Phone: (402) 564-5753
Fax: (402) 563-1121
Kris Elmshaeuser, Administrator

106 W 3rd St, PO Box 89
Neligh, NE 68756
Phone: (402) 887-5041
Fax: (402) 887-46041
Corey Dahl, Administrator

1117 E South St, PO Box 2047
Hastings, NE 68902
Phone: (402) 463-5611
Fax: (402) 463-9555
Drew Harris, Administrator

ESU 10
PO Box 850
Kearney, NE 68848
Phone: (308) 237-5927
Fax: (308) 237-5920
Melissa Wheelock, Administrator

ESU 11
412 W 14th St, PO Box 858
Holdrege, NE 68949
Phone: (308) 995-6585
Fax: (308) 995-6587
John Poppert, Administrator

ESU 13
4215 Ave I
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Phone: (308) 635-3696
Fax: (308) 635-0680
Laura Barrett, Administrator

ESU 15
344 Main St, PO Box 398
Trenton, NE 69044
Phone: (308) 334-5160
Fax: (308) 334-5581
Phillip Picquet, Administrator

ESU 16
314 W 1st St, PO Box 915
Ogallala, NE 69153
Phone: (308) 284-8481
Fax: (308) 284-8483
James McGown, Administrator

ESU 17
207 N Main St
Ainsworth, NE 69210
Phone: (402) 387-1420
Fax: (402) 387-1028
Geraldine Erickson, Administrator

ESU 18
5901 O St, PO Box 82889
Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone: (402) 436-1810
Takako Olson, Administrator

ESU 19
3215 Cuming
Omaha, NE 68103
Phone: (531) 299-9849
Kanyon Chism, Administrator

ESU #13 ESU #16 ESU #15 ESU #11 ESU #17 ESU #10 ESU #8 ESU #9 ESU #5 ESU #18 - LPS ESU #6 ESU #6 ESU #4 ESU #19 - OPS ESU #3 ESU #7 ESU #2 ESU #1

ESUCC does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, gender identity or sexual orientation, or any other protected status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to employees with disabilities and to those who are pregnant, have given birth, or have a related medical condition, as required by law. Complaints or concerns involving discrimination should be addressed to: ESUCC Chief Executive Officer, 6949 S. 110th Street, LaVista, NE  68128 (402) 597-4843. Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator.