Distance Education

NVIS (The Nebraska Virtual Instruction Source) is a statewide clearinghouse for both distance learning course offerings and Nebraska-based virtual field trip experiences. The majority of these opportunities leverage videoconferencing to connect students with teachers, professionals, experiences, the arts, and Nebraska history in a cost-effective and time-efficient way. Be sure to check out our DL courses and VFT offerings today!

130+ virtual field trip experiences and 200+ courses!

Explore the NVIS Course Offerings.
Explore the Virtual Field Trip Experiences.

Bring Engagement and Deeper Learning to Your Classroom with Virtual Field Trip Experiences

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The Durham Museum’s digital learning program offers unique opportunities for learners of all ages. Taught by educators, these engaging and interactive classes follow National and State Social Studies Standards and are filled with primary sources featuring artifacts, videos and photographs along with pre- and post-visit activities.

Elementary students connect to the Tusker Power virtual field trip where they look at fossils from three prehistoric elephants and hear the story of a Nebraska where these powerful creatures once roamed free. In a highly interactive format, students look at the world’s largest mounted mammoth and examine prehistoric elephant teeth to uncover what they ate.

Lincoln’s Children Zoo offers an interactive talk with an expert to meet the animals. When you book this virtual field trip, your group will learn directly from their Education Animal Team about fascinating animals, conservation and much more.

Andrew Easton

Andrew Easton

Digital Learning

Distance & Digital Learning Coordinator
ESUCC Main Office